Case Study Information


  • Project name: Commersify
  • Category: SEO
  • Client: Harvey
  • Complete Date: Ongoing



The e-commerce company Commersify has a large selection of ayurvedic products listed on its website. They portray Ayurveda as an alternative medical system. They emphasize the advantages of Ayurveda for human wellness. Their goods have received 50+ GMP certifications and FSSAI approval. They are committed to raising public understanding of Ayurveda's positive effects on health. Ayurveda's basic tenet is that mental and physical harmony is the foundation of good health. For their customers, they uphold rigorous standards for both cleanliness and product quality.


The main goal for the client was to raise awareness about Ayurveda on social media channels. Their second objective was to gain more followers on social media.

Problems We Ran Into

The primary objectives of our client were to engage with potential customers and grow social brand awareness. The main difficulties we encountered on social networking networks are listed below.

- To differentiate yourself from competitors, choose a distinctive content topic.

- Obtain information on common illnesses including the common cold and fever.

- Learn about their ayurvedic treatment and produce articles on social media accordingly.

- Establish specifics for the content strategy and produce material consistently.

Our Approach to Social Media Marketing

As soon as the customer delivered the project to us with requirement analysis, we started our marketing efforts. The development of a marketing strategy requires requirement analysis. The customer had a hazy understanding of what was needed for the job. To build insight and establish specifics for the social media marketing plan, we posed a number of questions. The main inquiries we made during the requirement analysis process are listed below.

- What characteristics define their intended audience?

- What are the most popular theme choices in their sector?

- What sort of material do they want to post on their social media accounts?

- Who makes up their intended audience?

- Who are their rival companies?

Competitive Research

One of the most effective digital marketing strategies for comprehending the trends and strategies in certain business industries is conducting a competition study. It seeks to compile a seed list of clients who directly compete with them. Businesses might use it to spot important marketing trends.

To comprehend their marketing approach, we identified the immediate competitors of our customers and looked at their social media accounts. In order to develop a thorough social media marketing strategy, it seeks to identify the top social media marketing trends and techniques.

Knowing Your Target Audience

Knowing your target audience inside and out is crucial. To identify their target demographic and develop material for them in line with that audience, we made up a few qualities. To identify their preferences and provide content that appeals to them, it is crucial to have a basic grasp of the target audience.

To gain a thorough grasp of some of the major market participants target demographics, we examined their social media posts. Using this information, we made content based on the tastes of their potential customers. These are the individuals who are more likely to respond to their marketing initiatives.

Customer Journey Mapping and Planning

In this scenario, there was no other way to assess the efficacy of our marketing activities but to count the number of followers. The goal of our marketing campaigns has been to gain more followers. It requires developing specialized content for each point of the client journey and having a thorough grasp of it.

Improved content helps eliminate flaws in the marketing plan. It was intended to address the challenges faced by our client's business while iterating with consumers. To help them reach their marketing objectives, we concentrated on guaranteeing the optimum user experience.

Finding opportunities and identifying content gaps -

The target audience won't be interested in content creation that is currently available online. Finding content gaps and producing original material to stand out from the competition was one of crucial challenges.

We concentrated on producing educational content and informing people about common illnesses and their ayurvedic treatments. We were able to reach out to their target demographic right away and get a tonne of interaction as a result. Theming of the content and coordinating the themes across the many concepts was another area of emphasis. We were able to accomplish our corporate objectives and raise brand recognition as a result.

Increasing the Website's Followership

Obtaining followers for the eCommerce website is the last phase of the social media marketing approach. To draw visitors' attention, we made unique blogs that highlighted the features of the product. The website's URL was added to the bio and the post's caption. It made it easier for visitors from social media to find their way back to our website.

Once a person enters a website, the quality of the material has total control over how engaged they become. Social media traffic was well-targeted and resulted in a huge amount of purchases for the company website.

Conclusions reached

We determined the material that the target audience favored and got a very very positive outcomes.